Life Is Funny by The Given Heart

Appreciation and patience work hand in hand. In the criteria above, it is more akin to a mental disorder that we all have.

When something happens today, we complain about why it happened, and when it doesn’t happen, we cry out. A good example is the scenario of rain. As much as we know there are places that lack water, those places are commonly called deserts. If someone from that place hears you complaining about rain raining every day of the week, they will always say you are ungrateful humans.

So the example above stands in for many, like from being comfortably happy to having an emotional fallout when the happiness bursts. Then you actually realize that it was more of an illusion because it evaporates so fast, and then we will long for it again.

We should be grateful for what we have. That is normal. Many things we call problems are what maintain our normal lives. Live with it. That is the whole story.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Life is funny …
    Yes, and yet ‘We should be grateful for what we have’ in life


    Liked by 1 person

    1. People still have choices to adjust their lives because we are still alive.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes. 💐💐💐

        Liked by 1 person

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